How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job Book Summary by Dale Carnegie

How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job Book Summary by Dale Carnegie

How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job Book Introduction

Here you will read about “How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job Book Summary by Dale Carnegie “in my own words. As you know, Dale Carnegie is a great author and bestseller of his book with quality content. His multiple books “How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Work” were first published in 1970 in 12+ languages. This book has sold over 45 million copies worldwide.

How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Workbook is made with a combination of two books “How to Win Friends and Influence People” and “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.”

Why you read How to Enjoy Your Life & Job Book?

The book “How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Work” indicates the rules to live a fuller and happier life with courage. Dale Carnegie said, “to show originality and integrity in communication is the great option to live happier with peers, relatives and colleges.”

This book is for self-help mainly instead of teaching others about moral points. The author focused on an individual to change society. In other words, ‘If you want to change to change the societies then change yourself first.’

Once, I was discussing hurdles of professional and personal life with my team then I realize how they are facing their issues with courage. One member explains some points from the book “How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Work” then I get to know my peers taking experiences from books instead of an individual.

Actually, I found mistakes in that but still if you don’t have anyone who suggests and guide you best then there is a great option to select books to ask your questions. Maybe this process took time but the result will explore life totally indifferent way.

After a long discussion and research about the book, we prefer you to also read the same. Some of you are not able to read a book just because of time issues those we why present some important and descriptive points to make your self-reliance.

 This book helps to obtain effective outputs if you will apply it in real life. Dale Carnegie distributes the book “How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Work” in sub parts. Let’s discuss them one by one.

Core Concepts or Ideas of Book

  • Think there is no one else like you on the planet or over the world. As a result, you must be yourself only and only be yourself.
  • It is your mental and emotional attitudes that make you fatigued or tied, not your brain job. If you think you are strong then you are, if you think I am not well it means you are not all up to you what things you have to choose positive and negative.
  • “If you go slowly, you can get a long way” but “if you go hurry, you can get a short way”
  • You will not get popularity by dismissing other people’s opinions instead you will gain popularity by appreciating the opinions of others.
  • Feedback should be used to provide direction rather than to place orders. It helps to obtain gratitude in front of others.
  • Cooperation stems from a sense of honesty, integrity, and belonging.
  • If you are wrongly chastised, you are on the correct route (but you must know how to filter out this negativity).

Also Read : “How to Win Friends and Influence People”

Top 10 ways to make your boring job exciting again

  1. Switch up your routine.
  2. Set some objectives.
  3. Try Everyday Something New with Passion to Adopt the Challenges.
  4. Take a break (after a long work process takes a nap or rest to work again continuously with full power).
  5. Make an effort to help others (helping others in the office make you feel energetic and enthusiastic).
  6. Maintain a busy schedule and track your progress.
  7.  To be deliberate and reflective about your employment experience (This helps you to obtain high skills and makes you feel better all the time).
  8. Speak with someone about rearranging your tasks (to elaborate on your skills and performance).
  9. Take on Extra Responsibilities in the office to show your importance and capability to perform work effectively.
  10. Develop New Skills to take over chances for increment in position or remuneration.
  11. Request a Promotion (ask your employer to promote your position may be in this you will get some task to get the higher position but still it will prove better for you. Because this will show your capability to others which raises your reputation in the firm.
  12. Make New Friends (obviously without friends nothing is too enjoyable. Maybe you get the higher position but still, you will find someone to discuss your ideas or emotions to explore yourself. Friends make you feel better all the time that’s why making friends is the golden skill of humans).

The above-mentioned points help you to obtain a higher reputation infirm. Try this for 2 or 3 months only then you will be able to judge the increment.

Also Read : Young Entrepreneur & Affiliate Marketer – Sankalp Chauhan

How to be Happy Without Friends?

How to be Happy Without Friends? How to enjoy life and job?
How to be Happy Without Friends? I learned this skill from the book ” How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job” Written by Dale Carnegie

Top 10 ways to enjoy Every Day 

Be Yourself – To overcome world negativity hide in yourself instead of getting busy with friends or relatives. Internal power can remove negativity around yourself don’t run toward external motivation to remove it.

Gratitude should be practiced – It is a golden rule to attract people toward the self side. Gratitude practicing means saying thanks for each and every action performed for you by another person side.

Put Yourself First – What you will get thinking about first your loved one? They will not be satisfied at all so take action to be first yourself. If you are at the top then everyone would automatically come closer to you.

Be Kind to Yourself – At least be kind to yourself, your heart knows what is wrong and right. But sometimes you ignore your internal voice just because to follow someone else thoughts. It is better for you to make your own discussion and follow it with dedication. Whatever you will receive by this all is yours, at least no one blame you for the activity.

Celebrate Small Wins – Everyone wants a high achievement that’s why they forget to celebrate small wins. Instead of celebrating huge wins, it’s better to celebrate small wins which help you to go forward to achieve high.

Invest in yourself – Without investment, nothing is possible in this world. You have to invest your hard work, dedication, money, motivation and all the positive thoughts which help you to achieve your target goals.

Positive Relationships Should Be Nurtured – Wasting time on making boyfriends and girlfriends is a totally avoidable part of life. If you are doing these things to achieve enjoyment then sorry to say “this is all waste of time, money, feelings and efforts.”

Find some true friends who help in your bad time. I mean to say only find anyone who wants to live with you in a positive relationship instead of enjoying the time and moments.

Spend Time in Nature  Can you imagine the moment with nature. In my experience, I like to spend time with nature instead of going to ready for parties, festivals and occasions. Open-air, sleeping below the sky, and peace full area around me I like most. It makes me feel pleasant and removes my all pain for some moments. “You Should Try This.”

Overcome Destructive Habits  The main theme of “How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job Book” is to overcome your internal negativity and go further for a positive world where you will see and enjoy the world according to yourself. Good habits explore you and Bad habits destroyed you totally.

List Your Next Goal and Job – Your focus point is to prepare your goal list and path through which you will achieve it soon.

Meet New People and always Try New Things.

How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job Book Quotes

“A drop of honey catches more flies than a gallon of gall.”

“Never be bothered by what people say, as long as you know in your heart you are right.”

“Think and Thank.” Think of all we have to be grateful for, and thank God for all our boons and bounties.”

About Dale Carnegie Books

1915: Art of Public Speaking, with Joseph Berg Esenwein.

1920: Public Speaking: the Standard Course of the United Y. M. C. A. Schools.

1926: Public Speaking: a Practical Course for Business Men. Later editions and updates changed the name of the book several times: Public Speaking and Influencing Men in Business (1937 revised),How to Develop Self-Confidence and Influence People by Public Speaking (1956) and Public Speaking for Success (2005).

1932: Lincoln the Unknown.

1934: Little Known Facts about Well Known People.

1936: How to Win Friends and Influence People.

1937: Five Minute Biographies.

1944: Dale Carnegie’s Biographical round-up.

1948: How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.

1959: Dale Carnegie’s Scrapbook: a Treasury of the Wisdom of the Ages. A selection of Dale Carnegie’s writings edited by Dorothy Carnegie.

1962: The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking.

Dale Carnegie Journey from Zero to Hero

By Varsha Tiwari

Varsha Tiwari is a Tutor, Content Writer, Digital Marketer, and Professional Blogger from India. She found WordPress when she needed a website for her first business and instantly fell in love with it. When not building websites, she was creating content for her interest in writing and enhancing skills of writing sense. She have 2+ years of experience in the online marketing and writing industry.