
Hello, I’m Varsha Tiwari, my work as a content writer, Blogger, Youtuber, Speaker, Tutor, Language Learner, International Caller and Digital Marketer as always focused on writing, speaking, listening and generating ideas to express things in the easiest way.  Since my childhood, I like to spend time on reading and writing different things in versatile ways.

My childhood passion gave me the direction of my professional life. I worked on 150+ websites including national and international clients. Although, I am working with 4+ websites as a hidden partner to elaborate and develop my skills at an advanced level.

Varsha Tiwari Author of Freecareertip Website
It Doesn’t Matter What The World Does and What it Wants from Us, the Only Difference is What We Want and How We Do It.

I launched the website “Free Career Tip” in the hope of providing valuable content to society which helps them to develop a mindset, get motivation, self-confidence, and knowledge of versatile DIY content or How to Content.

I especially want to encourage people toward reading habits. Because reading is the only thing which helps an individual to get mentally strong. A person who can manage their mind can achieve anything in his/her life.

Reading helps to improve learning capacity, generate curiosity of ideas, make strong memory, make a more analyzing mindset, improve focus and concentration, generate inner peace, connect with new characters, improved communication skills, source a word bank and so on.

My clear goal is to collect a large audience as a reader who likes to read as compared to watching a video. I know this is going to be so hard for me but my belief and opinion help me.

I have studied and worked extensively with excellence mindset people who have experienced infidelity or other forms of betrayal in their marketing and behavior industry. And I am really grateful to my surrounding people who are always ready to help me.

As a Content writer, Blogger, Youtuber, Speaker, Tutor, International Caller and Digital Marketer I have had much success in helping people navigate through the trauma that is associated with these painful events. I have experience working with totally demotivated people where the individuals who faced the difficulty of emotionally engaging trauma, and I suggested to them about reading. It helped them to recover from their emotional touch and get back on their career path.

I understand the importance of creating a nurturing and safe environment to do this hard work. But not everyone gets a good environment. Well, you heard that “lotus grow in the mud.” I also did not get an excellent environment to show my potential but I tried my best.

Same, I suggested everyone doesn’t go for looking opportunity just makes yourself suitable for the opportunity category then opportunity finds you automatically. I also consider myself an active role in the process of helping people in readings.

I have attended many specialized pieces of training in order to increase my competence, and be able to use current research to offer the most effective treatment or ideas to serve society. I believe that the difference between a good and a great person is in their willingness to keep growing in their profession, both through continued education, experience, and consultation. These are all things I take very seriously in my own practice.