Kishore Singh Rajpurohit: Most famous Teacher of Bikaner

Kishore Singh Rajpurohit: Most famous Teacher of Bikaner

“IF YOU REALLY WANT TO SPEAK ENGLISH, LEARN IT AS A LANGUAGE AND NOT AS ANY SUBJECT”, says Mr. Kishore Singh Rajpurohit, famous Teacher of Bikaner. He firmly believes that teaching is an integral part of his life. He has already taught more than 1.25 Lakhs of students. This popularity is not because of any hoarding, poster or advertisement but because of his hard work and selfless efforts towards students.

He has already bestowed our country with numerous diamonds that are currently holding crucial positions throughout India. His greatest ambition, though, is to provide education to all those in need around the country. For individuals who either don’t have a suitable teacher or who are unable to pay for English sessions, he wants to extend a helping hand.

He has been instructed in person since 1989, and now that he has nearly 32 years of expertise, he is prepared to serve the country via an internet platform. One of Bikaner, Rajasthan’s most well-known English teachers, is Kishore Singh Rajpurohit.

Kishore Singh Rajpurohit Introduction

Born and brought up in a Marwadi family in Bikaner, Rajasthan, Mr. Kishore did his schooling as well as graduation from Bikaner itself. Then he didn’t stop here. His strong desire to learn and earn knowledge, eventually honored him with various other degrees as well. A few of them are:-
• Masters with English language
• Masters in management
• Criminal Law Specialization
• Labour Law Specialization

Even though he was a specialist in several subjects, god undoubtedly had other plans for him. According to Kishore Sir, he never considered making education his profession. But it appeared as though he simply kept instructing the students who kept coming to him. Over time, he amassed more than 500 students, and he eventually developed a love for instructing. Because he has never treated teaching English as a business or a means of support, he stands out from many other English teachers in India. He excels in his field due to his love for assisting others in learning and communicating in a foreign tongue.

Kishore Singh Rajpurohit Most famous Teacher of Bikaner
English is Just as simple as Hindi – You have to treat English as a Language not as a Subject to Improve English Speaking


Mr. Kishore Singh Rajpurohit is a well-known anchor in addition to being a well-known instructor. Since the 1990s, he has been a host of numerous important events of major national significance. Even now, he still hosts 25 to 50 events annually. Each and every audience has always valued his voice and style of anchoring.

A few of the biggest platforms where he has performed as Chief Anchor are as follows:

His crown has several feathers, but one of the most significant is serving as the Rajasthan government’s English translator. He recently did a fantastic job translating for the state governor and Mr. Venkaiya Naidu, the vice president of India.

According to him, “There can be no better way to serve a nation than by educating that Nation’s Future.” He views the opportunity to work with young students every day as a blessing. A better future for the country and seeing his students in higher positions in the government bring him more joy than anything else.


Mr. Kishore Singh Rajpurohit sees teaching as a chance to create ideal people for the advancement of the country. After 32 years of experience, he has a solid understanding of the problems with Indian education. Therefore, he is working on significant issues pertaining to the educational system at his level.

Education for girls is a significant issue he is working on. He noticed that women were falling behind while teaching batches after batches, so he personally founded an all-girls school to address the problem. He makes an effort to provide these females in this institution with comprehensive personality training rather than just a bookish education. Training in martial arts, swimming lessons, yoga, dance, hobby improvement, etc. are the main focus of this school along with education.

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He is working with almost every student at his personal level to make them as some individual who has
• Good decision making.
•Great body language and facial expressions.
•Great efficiency to communicate with people and
•Greater depth of knowledge.

With all of these images in his head, he is currently getting ready to teach online. “Online classes are considerably different from offline ones,” Kishore Singh Rajpurohit claimed. In offline mode, I have control over the pupils and can enforce rules; yet, I am less able to connect freely and directly with them online. Online courses can only be worthwhile if a person has self-control and a desire to study.

Additionally, Kishore Sir claims that he enjoys working with kids who truly want to pursue higher education as opposed to viewing it as a burden. “While I have contributed to history at my level, other students should also be given credit. According to Kishore sir, I am well-known in Bikaner not only because I am a good teacher but also because I had some good pupils who were eager to put in a lot of effort with me.

Mr. Kishore Singh Rajpurohit has not yet established a personal institute. Even after 32 years of illustrious experience, he still teaches by himself. This is really surprising in a time when everyone values progress and prosperity. He openly said when questioned about it, “I am terrified of opening the Institute and recruiting more individuals. I worry that other teachers won’t impart knowledge with the same empathy and comprehension that I do. Students that come here hoping for Kishore Sir shouldn’t be duped, therefore I won’t. I would have done it a long time ago if I could just locate another Kishore sir.

Even though he now plans to teach online, he is confident that he will only accept students who can demonstrate consistent discipline and sincerity in his class. Money and business have never been his interests; all he wants to do is use internet platforms to increase the affordability and accessibility of English language instruction for all students nationwide.

Mr. Kishore Singh Rajpurohit concluded by saying, “I think we should all respect all languages. I feel proud of my mother tongues, Marwadi and Hindi, even though I teach English. When English-speaking Indians disregard Hindi, it saddens me. I am equally respectful of Marathi, Hindi, and English and can read, write, and speak them all with ease. Even when learning and using various languages around the world, Indians must respect their own language, Hindi.

Reference: Raidonnews

By Varsha Tiwari

Varsha Tiwari is a Tutor, Content Writer, Digital Marketer, and Professional Blogger from India. She found WordPress when she needed a website for her first business and instantly fell in love with it. When not building websites, she was creating content for her interest in writing and enhancing skills of writing sense. She have 2+ years of experience in the online marketing and writing industry.